Source code for pyke.models.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from pyke import norm

[docs]class BaseModel(object): """Properties and behaviour that different embedding models share.""" def __init__(self, ent_count=None, rel_count=None, batch_size=0, variants=0, optimizer=None, norm_func=norm.l1, per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.5): """ Creates a new model. baseshape A pair of numbers describing the amount of entities and relations. batchshape A pair of numbers describing the amount of training statements per iteration and the amount of variants per statement. The first variant is considered true while the rest is considered false. default: Model not intended for training optimizer The optimization algorithm used to approximate the optimal model in each iteration. default: Stochastic Gradient Descent with learning factor of 1%. norm The used vector norm to compute a scalar score from the model's prediction. default: L1 norm (sum of absolute features). per_process_gpu_memory_fraction Fraction of GPU memory to be used by tensorflow. """ self._relation = None self._rel_embeddings = None self._ent_embeddings = None self._entity = None self.ent_count = ent_count self.rel_count = rel_count self.batch_size = batch_size self.neg_total = variants - 1 self.__parameters = dict() if optimizer is None: # TODO: Add parameter for learning rate optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(.01) self._norm = norm_func shape = self.batch_size * (self.neg_total + 1) self.__graph = tf.Graph() with self.__graph.as_default(): gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=per_process_gpu_memory_fraction) self.__session = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options)) with self.__session.as_default(): initializer = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer(uniform=True) with tf.variable_scope('model', reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE, initializer=initializer): with tf.name_scope('input'): self.batch_h = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, [shape]) self.batch_t = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, [shape]) self.batch_l = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, [shape]) self.batch_y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [shape]) self.all_h = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(self.batch_h, [1 + self.neg_total, -1]), [1, 0]) self.all_t = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(self.batch_t, [1 + self.neg_total, -1]), [1, 0]) self.all_l = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(self.batch_l, [1 + self.neg_total, -1]), [1, 0]) self.all_y = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(self.batch_y, [1 + self.neg_total, -1]), [1, 0]) self.postive_h = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(self.batch_h[:self.batch_size], [1, -1]), [1, 0]) self.postive_t = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(self.batch_t[:self.batch_size], [1, -1]), [1, 0]) self.postive_l = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(self.batch_l[:self.batch_size], [1, -1]), [1, 0]) self.negative_h = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(self.batch_h[self.batch_size:], [self.neg_total, -1]), [1, 0]) self.negative_t = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(self.batch_t[self.batch_size:], [self.neg_total, -1]), [1, 0]) self.negative_l = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(self.batch_l[self.batch_size:], [self.neg_total, -1]), [1, 0]) self.predict_h = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, [None]) self.predict_t = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, [None]) self.predict_l = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, [None]) with tf.name_scope('embedding'): for k, v in self._embedding_def(): self.__parameters[k] = v with tf.name_scope('loss'): self.__loss = self._loss_def() with tf.name_scope('predict'): self.__prediction = self._predict_def() grads_and_vars = optimizer.compute_gradients(self.__loss) self.__training = optimizer.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars) self.__saver = tf.train.Saver() def __iter__(self): """Iterates all parameter fields of the model.""" return iter(self.__parameters) def __getitem__(self, key): """Retrieves the values of a parameter field.""" return[key]) def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Updates the values of a parameter field.""" with self.__graph.as_default(): with self.__session.as_default(): self.__parameters[key].assign(value).eval() def __del__(self): self.__session.close()
[docs] def fit(self, head, tail, label, score): """Trains the model on a batch of weighted statements.""" feed = { self.batch_h: head, self.batch_t: tail, self.batch_l: label, self.batch_y: score, } _, loss =[self.__training, self.__loss], feed) return loss
[docs] def predict(self, head, tail, label): """Evaluates the model's scores on a batch of statements.""" # transform wildcard parameters # require otherwise scalar parameters if head is None: if tail is None: if label is None: raise NotImplementedError('universal prediction') raise NotImplementedError('full-relation prediction') elif label is None: raise NotImplementedError('full-tail prediction') head, tail, label = np.arange(self.ent_count), np.full([self.ent_count], tail), np.full([self.ent_count], label) elif tail is None: if label is None: raise NotImplementedError('full-head prediction') head, tail, label = np.full([self.ent_count], head), np.arange(self.ent_count), np.full([self.ent_count], label) elif label is None: head, tail, label = np.full([self.rel_count], head), np.full([self.rel_count], tail), np.arange( self.rel_count) # perform prediction feed = { self.predict_h: head, self.predict_t: tail, self.predict_l: label, } return, feed)
[docs] def relation(self, label=None): """Embeds a batch of predicates.""" if label is None: with self.__graph.as_default(): with self.__session.as_default(): return feed = { self.predict_l: label, } return, feed)
[docs] def entity(self, head=None): """Embeds a batch of subjects.""" if head is None: with self.__session.as_default(): return feed = { self.predict_h: head, } return, feed)
[docs] def save(self, prefix: str, step: int = None): """ Save the model to filesystem. :param prefix: File prefix for the model :param step: Step of the model (appended to prefix) """ if step:, prefix, global_step=step) else:, prefix)
[docs] def save_to_json(self, filename: str): """ Save the embedding as JSON file. The JSON file contains the embedding parameters (e.g. entity and relation matrices). These parameters depend on the model. :param filename: Filename for the output JSON file """ content = {} for var_name in self.__parameters: with self.__graph.as_default(): with self.__session.as_default(): content[var_name] =[var_name]).tolist() with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(content))
[docs] def restore(self, prefix: str): """ Reads a model from filesystem. :param prefix: Model prefix of the model to laod """ self.__saver.restore(self.__session, prefix)
[docs] def get_positive_instance(self, in_batch=True): if in_batch: return self.postive_h, self.postive_t, self.postive_l else: return self.batch_h[:self.batch_size], self.batch_t[:self.batch_size], self.batch_l[:self.batch_size]
[docs] def get_negative_instance(self, in_batch=True): if in_batch: return self.negative_h, self.negative_t, self.negative_l else: return self.batch_h[self.batch_size:], self.batch_t[self.batch_size:], self.batch_l[self.batch_size:]
[docs] def get_all_instance(self, in_batch=False): if in_batch: return self.all_h, self.all_t, self.all_l return self.batch_h, self.batch_t, self.batch_l
[docs] def get_all_labels(self, in_batch=False): if in_batch: return self.all_y return self.batch_y
[docs] def get_predict_instance(self): return [self.predict_h, self.predict_t, self.predict_l]
def _embedding_def(self): raise NotImplementedError def _loss_def(self): raise NotImplementedError def _predict_def(self): raise NotImplementedError